Tuesday, October 06, 2009

about God's gift of peace

In your darkest hour, God will give you His most gracious gifts of peace. We do not know how these things work. We do not know how God gives us peace when peace is not humanly possible. Yet, we remain faithful to Christ, for we know that in every circumstance, no matter how troubling, the Spirit of God strengthens and empowers us to always do the will of God. It is Christ's greatest victory when you remain true to the calling of God in spite of great suffering.

In our world of ego and fame, we may want the world to know how much we suffer. However, for Christ, just your act of quiet and humble obedience in trials and afflictions is the greatest work of all. Standing firm against afflictions is looked upon by Christ as the greatest of offerings and will surely bring you His greatest of rewards. John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

One More Thought

Love is the greatest. Love is the best. Love is the most powerful. Love is the secret ingredient. Love is greater than faith for faith depends upon love. Love is greater than hope for love keeps hope alive. Love keeps life alive. Love banishes all darkness. Love is the motive force in the universe. Love is your key to the Kingdom of God and is the Door through which you must pass to enter the Kingdom of God. Spread love. Show love. Display love. Share love. And surrender to Love for Love surrendered Himself to be crucified on the Cross for you.