Saturday, December 26, 2009

Jesus Was Born To Let Your Heart Hear The Voice Of God

Listen to the stillness. In the stillness He will open your heart to hear His voice.
Listen to the stillness. In the stillness He will open your mind to know His wisdom.
Listen to the stillness. In the stillness He will open your eyes to see His power working in the world around you.
Listen to the stillness. In the stillness He will open your soul to hear His will for you.
Listen to the stillness. In the stillness He will open your heart to hear His voice of love filling your soul every minute of every hour.
Listen to the stillness. In the stillness He will open your heart to hear His voice of forgiveness washing away your sins and mistakes.
Listen to the stillness. When you read His word, He will open your heart to hear His voice.
Listen to the stillness. When you hear the cries of others, He will open your heart to hear His voice of tenderness and compassion.
As you kneel beside Him in His manger, know above all things He loves you.