Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Jesus Was Born To Help You Build In Faith

Know above all things He loves you. Be with Him and He will give you a great mission in your life. Believe and trust in Him and He will push you onward to build when you have no strength of your own. When the evil one comes and launches an attack against you, align with His will. Then He will give you power so you can build in faith as you remain faithful to Him. Although you cannot see Him, if you believe and trust in Him, you will live each day as if you can see Him. Although you cannot hear Him with your earthly ears, you can sense His presence, even when the evil one tries to numb you with pain and suffering.

Let your life be a life of faith connected to Him by unseen chords.
Let your life be a life of trust enchained to Him by the strings of His love.
Let the waves of His calling you each minute resound in your heart.
Let the vibrations of His power resonate through all of your thinking, feeling, and behavior.

When the world tries to overwhelm you, He will put His holy fear into you so you will remain faithful. When you seek to go your own way rather than His way, He will shake your ego so you will rely upon Him and upon His guidance. When times of poverty come, He will show you the real wealth of your life is not in human design or human collection. He will show you the real wealth of your life is in His love. Let all the things you build in life be a reflection of how much He loves you. Let your life be a reflection of how much He loves others. As you kneel beside Him in His manger, know above all things He loves you.