Wednesday, December 30, 2015

about reconciliation

Is your world a jumbled mess? Do things seem to have spun out of control with madness appearing at every turn? Yes, things can be a mess. Things can really seem to have spun out of control. Certainly, some days, weeks, and months are worse than others. If we could see all things, in all the dimensions of reality, we would see a lot of chaos. Not only is there chaos in the world among nations, chaos in the weather, and chaos in the workings of ordinary men and women, but there is also chaos churning in the spiritual realms of darkness and evil.

In chaos there can appear to be little hope. However, in the chaos of darkness can shine the light of God. In the chaos of darkness can come forth the hope that someday soon Christ will come back, wrap His arms around each of us, and bring an end to our days of turmoil and chaos in which we all live. Someday, your days of turmoil will end, for in Christ, you will find magnificent peace and love where only His light prevails.