Wednesday, September 30, 2009

about telling the truth about life

Telling yourself the truth about yourself or your life is difficult because when you tell yourself the truth you may need to tell yourself things you don't want to admit. Telling yourself the truth is difficult because there is the chance of telling yourself a truth that can destroy you if you do not have a firm foundation in life. Sometimes it is easier to live a lie than it is to tell the truth, but living a lie puts you in prison. Telling the truth, even the worst truth, sets you on a path to freedom. Sometimes we do not want to tell the truth about life because life is too full of pain and darkness and telling the truth just piles on more of the pain. It is hard to admit that life is full of pain and darkness.

Then to admit we sometimes cannot do anything about the pain and darkness that plagues us is even more difficult of an admission. To admit we cause some of the pain and darkness in ourselves and in others is often too much for some of us to bear, so we lie to ourselves rather than telling ourselves the truth. However, there is a glorious and grand result from telling ourselves the truth about our life. The glorious and grand result of telling ourselves the truth is that we can be released from the prison of our lies, freed from the prison of our guilt and shame, and set free from the chains of our denial.


Many times, in this life we have a thirst. Often we thirst for things which are not of God. These things are the temptations of life that will sooner or later eat up our soul. We thirst and are often tempted by power, greatness, pleasure, greed, and other sins. However, if we thirst for right things or righteousness there is a reward.

When we make decisions to seek after only the good, true, wonderful spiritual things, then God provides us with springs of living water. Notice in this verse the caring and compassionate nature of God. God is love, and when we hunger and thirst to always do and be what is good in God’s eyes, then there may be trouble in the here and now, but there is the reward of heaven in our immediate future. In God’s heavenly home, we will drink our fill of water supplied from the springs of Heaven. Water which will bring us joy, peace, love, and rewards beyond our comprehension.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Don't Grow Weary


9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

God has a harvest of blessing in mind for you. Don't let the devil steal it away from you by discouraging you into giving up. Trust in God. He is able to put you over.

Time has a way of wearing us down -- of eroding our hopes and dreams. We must look to God for strength and courage and refuse discouragement. We must, with God's help, overcome -- instead of being overcome by life and circumstances.

Life is not easy. There are obstacles and unexpected turns in the road. But always God is with us, for us, and in us as believers in Jesus Christ. When we grow weary in doing good, it is always because we are losing sight of God and eternity.

As you walk in faith and refuse to give up -- you bring glory and pleasure to God. Imagine how it thrills God when someone, like you, continues to trust in Him and thank Him -- even when it does not look like it is working out very good. Read the Bible. You are not the first to be tested, or have to wait for the promise to be manifested. But God is always faithful. He will never fail you.

Our faith cannot be in ourselves or our ability -- because that can fail. Only God cannot fail, so we must keep our faith in Him and His ability to sustain us and help us. Remember that as a believer, the Greater One is in you -- and He is greater than any problem or difficulty. He will help you. God has the answer for your situation. Look to Him and you will not be disappointed.

SAY THIS: I will not be discouraged. I will not quit. I will trust in Almighty God, my Father, Who loves me and helps me.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

about being alone

We have all felt forsaken and Christ understands us, for He has been there too. We have all been lost and were not able to find our way home. Perhaps you are in that kind of place now. If you are, remember that Christ knows every ounce of what you are feeling and experiencing. In supernatural ways we cannot understand, Christ lives in or abides in us if we invite Him in. When the pain of life runs so deep in us we seem to lose our soul, Christ lives in us and despises the pain we feel. In these moments of pain, come to His Cross. For as you kneel at His Cross and experience a small part of His suffering, He comes to you and helps you through your own moments of pain.

In your tears, you can hear His voice and feel the tenderness of His love. With Christ, you are never alone. With Christ, you always have a way home and a clearly lighted path to His welcoming arms. There is no amount of pain that can separate you from Him if you hide in the cleft of His love. In the far off distance of your soul, battered and beaten, you can hear Him calling you to be strong and patient. In the far off distance, you can see Him rushing forward in battle to keep you safe and keep you from falling into the utter darkness. In your heart, you can see Him come to you to help you in every time of need. In your heart, you know that He has come to you to restore you, to heal you, and to remain with you forever.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

about being the light

It only takes a tiny light to illuminate the darkness. In scientific terms, darkness is nothing, light is something. Darkness is the absence of energy. Light is the presence of energy. In your life, no matter who you are or where you are, you carry the energy or spirit of Christ to all those around you. That spirit is passed on from person to person, illuminating the darkness of their lives. If we could track it, your transmission of Christ’ spiritual light could be traced as traveling all over the world. When we face reality, each of us is critically important to God. We are important because we are His way of getting His love into the world.

God’s love is best delivered by you, in all the ways you can think up, in all the ways you can create, in all the ways He leads you. You carry the torch of the Love that sustains all that is. Too many of us do not want to believe we could ever be this important, but we are. If those of us who love the Lord deeply were to disappear from the earth, what would be the effect? You know the answer. If those of us who deeply love the Lord were to disappear, what would be the effect upon our friends, co-workers, contacts, and family members who remain? You know the answer. You are indeed "the light of the world." Let it shine.

Friday, September 04, 2009

about having peace in times of loss

We are all on the earth for such a brief time. In our short stay upon this orb, our hearts can be full of torment, uncertainty, fear, and doubt. Yet in Christ, we can have peace in this life because in Christ we know we can have life for ever. In Christ, we can have peace in knowing that He loves us beyond measure. In Christ, we can have a peace in our heart when everything around us is coming apart. We can have peace in our heart when we have suffered an enormous loss. We can have peace in our heart when the worries of the world overwhelm us. We can have peace because we know that Christ loves us so much that He was willing to suffer and die for us.