Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jesus Was Born To Give You Praise For Victory Under Afflictions

Awaken and celebrate, for you have eternal victory in this place and time.
Awaken and celebrate, for you have eternal victory in Him.
Awaken and celebrate, for you have His power even when you are attacked by the evil one.
Awaken and celebrate, for even when you are in pain, you have eternal victory in the here and now.
Awaken and celebrate, for you can overcome even when you are depressed and can hardly breathe.
Awaken and celebrate, for He is the great healer and He will soothe your pain.
Awaken and celebrate, for you have eternal victory in Him no matter what your earthly losses may be.
Awaken and celebrate, even when you are crushed by disappointment He will lift you up.
Awaken and celebrate, even when you have failed miserably and your world is crushed, He is here to restore you and make you whole.
Awaken and celebrate, at all times and in all places, celebrate your victory in Him.
As you kneel beside Him in His manger, know above all things He loves you.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Jesus Was Born To Give You A Greater Presence Of Christ In Your Life

When you think you are alone, He will remind you of His presence.
When you think no one cares, He will draw your heart near to Him.
When you think He is far off, He will touch your heart and remind you He is living within you.
When you think you cannot reach Him because you are so beset with the pain and suffering of this life, He will touch your thoughts and show you He is within you.
When you think there is no hope, His presence will inspire you to see past your present into His eternal glory waiting for you.
When you are disappointed in the actions of others, He will open your heart to His unfailing love.
When you are dismayed at how much strife there is in the world, He will show you His gentle touch soothing the pain and bringing you joy where you think joy is impossible.
As you kneel beside Him in His manger, know above all things He loves you.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Jesus Was Born To Help You Find Protection Against Evil

He shall bring His holy angels down and surround you with His love.
He shall protect you against the evil seeking to attack your body.
He shall protect you against the evil seeking to attack your heart.
He shall protect you against the evil seeking to attack your mind.
He shall protect you against the evil seeking to attack your family.
He shall protect you against the evil seeking to attack your strengths.
He shall protect you against the evil seeking to attack your faith, hope, and love.
As you kneel beside Him in His manger, know above all things He loves you.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Jesus Was Born To Let Your Heart Hear The Voice Of God

Listen to the stillness. In the stillness He will open your heart to hear His voice.
Listen to the stillness. In the stillness He will open your mind to know His wisdom.
Listen to the stillness. In the stillness He will open your eyes to see His power working in the world around you.
Listen to the stillness. In the stillness He will open your soul to hear His will for you.
Listen to the stillness. In the stillness He will open your heart to hear His voice of love filling your soul every minute of every hour.
Listen to the stillness. In the stillness He will open your heart to hear His voice of forgiveness washing away your sins and mistakes.
Listen to the stillness. When you read His word, He will open your heart to hear His voice.
Listen to the stillness. When you hear the cries of others, He will open your heart to hear His voice of tenderness and compassion.
As you kneel beside Him in His manger, know above all things He loves you.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Jesus Was Born To Bring You Comfort When A Friend Or Loved One Is Taken

He is with you when you are caught up in grief.
He is with you when you are caught up in shock.
He is with you when you are caught up in disbelief.
He is with you when you are doubled over in grief, shock, and pain from your loss.
He is with you when you are feeling your heart is torn out.
He is with you when you are feeling like you are in a nightmare and you cannot wake up.
Above all things, remember He is here to help you.
He is here to help you through this deep water.
Lean on Him.
Look to Him and do not cast your eyes anywhere else.
In your grief, think about Him.
In your loss, think about how much your loved one has gained by being with Him for eternity.
Christ is with you now and His love covers you.
Because His love is with you, He will make your present feelings of anguish subside little by little.
In this hour of your nightmare, Christ now touches you and lives within your heart to give you comfort.
In this hour of your shock, Christ is with you, guiding you, and helping you through every minute.
Christ is here to help you. He is here with you now.
As you kneel beside Him in His manger, know above all things He loves you.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Jesus Was Born To Answer Your Questions And Erase Your Doubts

He knows you have many questions and doubts.
He knows you have questions and doubts because you do not understand what, why, or how He does what He does.
He knows you have questions and doubts because you do not understand why He holds back, why He does not always fix things, or why He does not always make things better.
He knows you have questions and doubts related to your disappointments, your failures, your sicknesses, your adversities, and your obstacles.
He knows you have questions and doubts because of your experiences with others, with institutions, and with the church.
Please, precious child of Christ, have no doubt He loves you.
Have no doubt He died on the cross to save you.
Have no doubt He has forgiven you of your sins.
Have no doubt someday you will both rejoice beyond rejoicing in heaven for eternity.
Have no doubt there is in place, at every moment, His divine plan for you.
Know above all things when you trust in Him and believe in Him He shall take away all of your doubts.
As you kneel beside Him in His manger, know above all things He loves you.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Jesus Was Born To Give You The Power To See Past The Surface Of Life

He will be with you and help you see past the surface of things.
He will be with you and help you see past the materialism of the world.

He will be with you and help you see a glimpse of His almighty power keeping all things together.

He will be with you and help you see a glimpse of His power keeping atomic particles constantly moving.

He will be with you and help you see a glimpse of His power moving the oceans.

He will be with you and help you see a glimpse of His hand reaching down touching the lives of millions.

He will be with you and help you see past the hard exterior of the world so you can see His love keeping all of His reality in its place.

He always knows what is going on about you and within you, even when you do not.
He will show you His love.
As you kneel beside Him in His manger, know above all things He loves you.

Monday, December 21, 2009

About serving Christ

John 12:25 The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26 Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. (NIV)
Learn to live in peace, harmony, and love by surrendering all you are and all you have to Christ. The more you try to keep yourself for yourself, the darker your heart becomes. Giving away and surrendering up your life to God opens the door of your heart to His infinite love. When you give up the struggle to get as much as you can for yourself, then you have a wonderful peace in your heart. When you give up struggling to go your own way but turn and go Christ's way, there is harmony in your soul. Stop trying to generate your own happiness in life. Instead, let Christ reign within you and let Him do His will within you. Then you will have love and happiness surpassing all human understanding.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Jesus Was Born To Give You A Heart To Meditate Upon God

Meditate all day long upon His love.
Meditate upon His righteousness.
Meditate upon His sure judgments.

You are often battered and beaten as you walk His narrow road.
However, in Him you will find strength, courage, and a sure hand reaching down to help you. When you are distracted by the world, He will instill in you the desire to take a break from the rush and crush of life.

Think about Him every hour. When you are faced with difficulties seemingly too big for you to handle, He will remind you to think about Him rather than thinking about yourself. When worries and doubts infect your thinking, He will remind you to take just a moment and think about His power flowing through you every moment.
When you get caught up in yourself, in your life, in your goals, in your issues, in your job, in your pain, and in all the selfishness of the moment…He will help you stop and think about His grandeur, His love, His compassion, and His presence in your life. As you kneel beside Him in His manger, know above all things He loves you.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jesus Was Born To Give You Power To Know God's Presence

Come to His Manger. Kneel down beside Him.
He always sees the needs of His children.
He always keeps you in His heart.
He uses His hands to heal you.
He answers your prayers.
He is always with you.
He always seeks to bring His power into the lives of all those around you.
He exists to do only what is good in your life.

When storms batter the walls of your life, He stands with you against those storms.
When the darkness of the evil one comes to destroy what is good in your life, He will be standing firm with you showing you His love. When His servants on earth are attacked, He hears your prayers and pleas for their protection.

When there is hunger and thirst among His sheep, as one of His flock He brings you food and water. When doubt assails the hearts of the humble, your gentleness in His name will be a reminder to others about how much He loves all of His people on earth.
As you kneel beside Him in His manger, know above all things He loves

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jesus Was Born To Give You The Vision To See Your Indestructible Christ Come to His Manger.

Kneel down beside Him. Lean upon Him, the indestructible power and force.
Set your eyes and heart upon Him, the indestructible person. Hold on to Him, the indestructible body of God within your heart. Hold on and He will show you how His eternal hope fills up the emptiness of your life.

He will show you what seemed lost has been renewed and was not lost at all.
He will show you what seemed dead is not dead but is more than alive.
He will show you His restoration of what evil seems to destroy.
He will show you the strength of holding on and believing in Him.
He will show you the power of patience.

He will show you the outcome of all things in your life, how the very outcome of your life is assured by Him.

As you kneel beside Him in His manger, know above all things He loves you.

Monday, December 14, 2009

About trusting God…

John 12:44 Then Jesus cried out, "When a man believes in me, he does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. 45 When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me. 46I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. (NIV)

Every heart can sing and sail toward God. Your heart moves toward God as you are willing to trust God with your life. To trust God with your life means you place all you are in His care. Trusting God means you give Him all you have. Trusting Him means you place all of your hopes and dreams in His hands. To trust God means you open yourself up to Him. To trust God means you let Him surround your pain, anger, bitterness, and doubt with His love. His loving touch heals your broken soul, restores you, and makes you new again. To trust God means you accept Christ died for you. Trusting God means you trust Him enough to give your life to Him.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

About wisdom and openness…

Some people get wiser as they get older and some don’t. There are children who seem to possess incredible wisdom. There are adults who possess no more wisdom than a child. Each of us has a chance to open our life, heart, and mind. When we open our life up to possibilities, profound changes can take place within us at any age.
Most of us are "works in progress" in terms of our accumulation of wisdom. When we think we know it all or when we think we know some of it, we often find we know very little. Perhaps the greatest joy in life is finding out how little we know, how much we can learn, and adopting the attitude to soak up as much wisdom and knowledge as possible as long as we live. An active mind attuned to the wisdom can contribute to others in magnificent ways at any stage of life.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

About finding God in the form of the Christ-child…

John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (NIV)

As we move forward in our history, the darkness in our world seems to grow ever larger. In the darkness, we get lost. We cannot find our way through life. Attacks by satanic evil come at us and we forget about our Savior. There are days we cannot find ourselves or find God. However, God the Father gave us a way to find Him two thousand years ago. If we want to find God, all we need to do is look at the Christ-child in the manger.

The story of the birth of Christ will endure until He comes back again. In a godless world where most of mankind seemingly has no inkling as to the power, majesty, or the existence of our God, Christ was sent to us as The Way to find God. At the end of Christ's life on earth we have the searing tragedy of the cross. If Christ had not been born, our world might well have declined and lived only to self-destruct. We call Him Savior because He came to save us. As we grope around in our darkness, Christ was sent to us as a light to find our way out of our darkness.

Friday, December 11, 2009

About celebration at Christmas…

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (NIV)

We celebrate Christmas as the day Christ was born. We celebrate Christmas because Christ came to save our life. Without Christ we are not only dead, we are dead in eternal torment. We celebrate Christmas because we have been saved from certain death by the man who grew from the baby Jesus into a man of wisdom and stature. Christ brought to us the infinite love of Himself. In Christ we have absolute and certain hope for never-ending tomorrows. With our repentance, in Christ, all our sin and mistakes will be totally and completely erased. We celebrate because we have freedom forever. We will be free of pain, suffering, and sorrow. We will be free of the threats put upon us by the darkness. We will be free of every worry or pain. This Christmas, Christ wants your heart to be made new as you accept Him as Savior and Lord.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Christmas Prayer Of Thanks

Gentle And Wonderful God,

I praise your name that is above all names. I praise your name that brought us peace on earth, even though it is hard to tell from the way our world looks today.
In the words of your scripture I can read the name of your mother Mary and your stepfather Joseph.

What a blessing it is to know them and know who they were. What a blessing it is you permitted me to know who they were and know about them. Thank you for sending your Christmas story as your personal Christmas card to me.

May I always be able to read the story of your birth, your life, your death, and your resurrection as a story written just for me. May I always be able to read the words of your scripture as your personal love letter just for me.

Thank you for letting me know how much you love me by sending me the story of your birth. Thank you for this season of the year, when we all can come to know your true love, your true devotion, and your true sacrifice for each of us in a deeper and more meaningful way.

All these things I humbly pray in the name of my most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, my Mighty God, and my Ever-present Holy Spirit upon whom I can rely. Amen

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

A Christmas Prayer Of Love

Lord Of All Creation, Creator Of Our Christ Jesus, Maker Of Christmas. Immerse me and all those I have ever known in your Christmas love this year and in all the years to come.

This Christmas, let me be always mindful of the delicacy of your grace.
This Christmas, let me be always mindful of the delicacy of your love.

This Christmas, let me be always mindful of the eternal and enduring grace and love flowing from your heart into my heart.

This Christmas, let me be always mindful of the eternal and enduring presence of your humbling power as I move about in my life.

Remind me giving is not just to be done on Christmas.Remind me giving is to be from my heart because you were born and because you died for me.

This Christmas, if things do not go well and I am discouraged, push me onward so I may keep your light shining in the hearts of others. This Christmas, beam your light into my heart so others may see you, know you, and love you even if they do not see me, know me, or love me. Amen

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

A Prayer For Christmas Joy

Gentle And Wonderful God, ,

As we kneel beside your manger we are filled with awe and wonder. As we see your little eyes, as we see your little hands, and as we see your little feet we are filled with joy.

At this time of year, when we celebrate your birth by giving, inspire us to feel this Christmas joy all year round. At this time of year, when we celebrate your birth by giving, inspire us to feel this Christmas joy as we think about your coming back to earth again. At this time of year, when we celebrate your birth by giving, inspire us to feel this Christmas joy as we think about seeing you in Heaven.

May your glory and grace be upon all those we love. May your glory and grace be upon every person in every land all year round.

All these things I humbly pray in the name of my most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, my Mighty God, and my Ever-present Holy Spirit upon whom I can rely. Amen

Monday, December 07, 2009

About God speaking by using His baby Son…

Matthew 9:13 But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." (NIV)

God's ways are mysterious. Although His ways are mysterious, His ways have infinite logic when we understand His ways. God used His baby Son to reach out to our heart. God could have done other things than sending Christ into the world. God could have plopped a mountain down in the middle of a desert with His booming voice coming from the mountain. God could have given us a speaking monument or He could have given us a myriad other ways for us to hear Him speak.

However, God chose to use His infant Son to speak to our heart and soul. God's purpose in sending Christ into the world was not just to give a speech. God's purpose was to send us a Savior who would call upon our heart to repent of our sins, accept Christ as our Savior, and rejoice. In your life today, God may be speaking to you in ways you do not recognize. Turn away from your life of sin and you can hear God's purity. Let Christ come into your heart to give you eternal life, then you will hear the infinite dimensions of His eternal love coming from His manger.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

about looking up at Christmas…

Luke 2:10 But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. (NIV)

Our lot in life often makes us look down in defeat, suffering, and pain. We look down when we have times of loss. Christmas is a time for looking up. At Christmas we look up at a Christmas tree, we look up at other decorations, and we think about the star and angels above appearing to shepherds tending their flock. We look up at Christmas, for Christmas is a time of hope for the future. Christmas hope is not the hope of politics or economics. Christmas hope is eternal leading us to a time when time will be no more. Christmas hope calls us to look up to God in wonder and awe at sending us a baby to melt our heart. Christ came into the world to turn our sadness into joy. Christ came into the world to turn our depression into elation. Christ came into the world to get us to look up to Him in love and adoration. We can look up at Christmas because we know Christ is up there in heaven as well as being down here within our heart.

Friday, December 04, 2009

A Prayer About What I Want For Christmas

Precious Lord Jesus,

I want others to receive.
I want others to know you and to accept you as their Savior and Lord.
I want others to be blessed in their life as I am blessed.
I want others to experience the joy I feel at the thought of your birth.
I want others to be lifted up and carried over the mountains of this life.
I want others to be given the gift that lasts forever…eternal life.

All these things I humbly pray in the name of my most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, my Mighty God, and my Ever-present Holy Spirit upon whom I can rely. Amen

Thursday, December 03, 2009

About commitment anew …

John 15:9 "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. (NIV)

God sent Christ into the world as a human baby to live among us. In sending Christ to us in human form, God wanted to attract us to Himself so we would accept Christ as Savior and Lord. The Christ-child melts down the human heart. The darkness of the world cannot forever stand against the innocence of the new born babe. Hearts melt and souls rejoice when we hold the baby Jesus. Our faith is emboldened; our life is touched and changed forever when we take the tiny Christ-child into our heart and life. God continually calls us to embrace His Son. Christ calls us each day to come to the cross and renew our faith and belief. The love shared at Christmas is God's way of saying to us "I love you." Even in the darkness of our times, the light of a little baby born two thousand years ago still shines throughout the world. On this day let us commit our life anew to Christ.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

A Prayer Of Praise At Christmas

My heart is full of praise as Christmas draws near.

I praise your holy name because in the darkness of my life, your birth shines a great light into my heart.

My heart is full of praise as Christmas draws near.

I praise your holy name because in the darkness of my life, your birth gives me and gives the whole world a hope upon hope for a new life.

My heart is full of praise as Christmas draws near.

I praise your holy name because in the darkness of my life, your birth gives me and the whole world your infinite love in infinite ways.

My heart is full of praise as Christmas draws near.

I praise your holy name because in the darkness of my life, your birth gives me and the whole world a reason to feel your joy and feel your peace on earth.

All these things I humbly pray in the name of my most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, my Mighty God, and my Ever-present Holy Spirit upon whom I can rely. Amen

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

A Christmas Prayer about Christ's Gift of Hope

Precious Lord, I love you.
Because you were born, I have hope.
Without you, I do not know what I would do.
In so many ways, I have hope.
I have hope for tomorrow because I know you will be with me.
I have hope for next week because I know your love will guide me.
I have hope for eternity because you died for me.
Your hope is my daily guide.
The hope I have in you is the fuel of my life.
In your hope, I am energized.

In the world of darkness in which I live, especially during this Christmas time, my hope is greater each day.

I know, in total hope and faith, there is no darkness in my world greater than the light of your hope.

All these things I humbly pray in the name of my most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, my Mighty God. Amen