Sunday, November 27, 2011

about accessing God

To be one with God in this life we need some kind of easy way of accessing God, but we do not have this easy way. We need a way of calling Him on the telephone but our telephones do not reach His kingdom in Heaven. On earth in this life, we access God and we become one with Him by being honest with Him. We access God by pouring out everything that is in our life before Him not even knowing if He will respond before we pour out our life. To be one with God, we need faith before we require faith will give us anything in return. To be one with God, we need to admit to ourselves and to God we are sinners. However, as sinners, we do not want to make this kind of admission. To be one with God, we need to tell God we are sorry for crucifying His Son.

However, as sinners, we do not really believe we crucified Him. Achieving a oneness with God takes us to a place we would really not rather go because oneness with God requires we do work with our heart, mind, and soul that is painfully honest. To keep us away from God, the voice of Satan is in us telling us we can be rid of our problems in other ways. When we reject Satan and embrace Christ, the oneness we seek in life becomes a reality. When we think there is no one who cares about us, Jesus wraps His arms around us when we think there is no one. When we think there is no hope, He touches us and tells us to lift our eyes up to Heaven. For in Heaven and from Heaven, there is always hope. At the last second of our life, we are closer to the ultimate fulfillment of our hope in life than at any other time. For our hope on earth in this life is but a tiny whisper compared to the fulfillment of that hope when we see Christ in Heaven.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

about the Lord's inspiration

1 Thessalonians 1:3 We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. (NIV)

Every day you need the Lord's inspiration. You need His inspiration to not only lift your own spirit, you also need His inspiration to lift the spirits of others. We serve such an awesome God. Not meaning to do so, we sometimes overlook or discount His power that comes to our aid. We are often so caught up in our present problems, cares, concerns, and woes that we forget to access His uplifting power that lives within our heart. When you are depressed and downcast, God will speak directly to your heart. If you ask Him, He will turn your eyes away from your own life and turn your eyes upon Him.

You are the Lord's incredible creation. Your life is a way the Lord wants to reach out to the world. In Christ, you can find His uplifting spirit, truth, mercy, love, and laughter. Because the Lord is who He is, you can depend upon Him to fill you when you need inspiration. God can not only speak to you directly but He can also speak to you through others. When you are without hope, God gives you a vision of a new day. When you are downcast, God pours out His love into your heart. When you are in the bitter darkness, Christ comes to you with His Light to illumine your soul. When you are in the deep water and are about to sink, then pray, and pray, and keep on praying as you grasp His uplifting hand.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

about the blessings of faithfulness

When we are faithful, we are to make a concerted effort to be exact and accurate in doing what we are supposed to do. If we were to hand copy a document, our handwritten copy would be a faithful reproduction of the original if there were no errors or omissions on our copy. In the same way, when we are faithful to do the will of God, it means we are careful and accurate in doing only what God wants us to do and to be. There are many blessings in life.

The spiritual blessings of God can carry us over every trouble. The material blessings of life can be taken from us in an instant in a natural disaster of some kind. If we are open to the truth, we will find that greed brings its own punishment, while faithfulness in God brings blessings. If we were to hand copy a document but altered the copied document to suit our own greedy ends, there would eventually be a consequence to our action. Faithfulness to God brings us peace of mind, hope for the future, joy in spite of adversity, and a love that renews our heart every hour.

Friday, November 11, 2011

about reconciliation

Is your world a jumbled mess? Do things seem to have spun out of control with madness appearing at every turn? Yes, things can be a mess. Things can really seem to have spun out of control. Certainly, some days, weeks, and months are worse than others. If we could see all things, in all the dimensions of reality, we would see a lot of chaos. Not only is there chaos in the world among nations, chaos in the weather, and chaos in the workings of ordinary men and women, but there is also chaos churning in the spiritual realms of darkness and evil. In chaos there can appear to be little hope. However, in the chaos of darkness can shine the light of God. In the chaos of darkness can come forth the hope that someday soon Christ will come back, wrap His arms around each of us, and bring an end to our days of turmoil and chaos in which we all live. Someday, your days of turmoil will end, for in Christ, you will find magnificent peace and love where only His light prevails.

Friday, November 04, 2011

about how love never fails

Love never fails because love always does the right and godly thing. Love always does the will of God in every circumstance. Even when failure appears to come in the outward world, in the inward world, love is succeeding with abundant joy. Love never fails because God is love and God is always right. Love does not know what failure is because all things in the universe, whether tiny or enormous, rest in the palm of the Lord's hand. When love works, Love makes all things align in His hand and align according to His will. Love never fails for love is pure and divine. In all things pure and divine, there is always success in the eyes of God and success within what God wills for each of us and for His universe.