about never giving in
There are times when you want to give up and give in. There are pressures and forces of darkness and evil that twists you and turns you. The power of evil lurks behind you and whispers in your ear while at the same time this same dark power tries to directly crush your spirit with an in-your-face assault. In your dark and lonely moments, when you think you do not have the strength to wage this war, you must remember you have more going for you than you can ever know.
At this minute, as you read these words, Christ Jesus is standing next to you pouring out His spirit of strength, encouragement, and sustaining power upon you. At this very minute, as you read these words, Christ Jesus is calling upon you to hold fast and not give in. For Jesus knows what is just ahead of you. Jesus can see the golden rays of heaven that will someday wrap their splendor around you.
Your crucial battle in these minutes with this present darkness can be won not by your human will but by your simply turning your human will in the direction of God's will. There are many costs to standing firm for Christ. However, there is no cost greater than the cost He paid for each of us upon His Cross. Because He did so much, He knows you can do this little bit of standing firm and never ever giving in?