Thursday, June 30, 2011

about producing

Having a good and noble heart is a wonderful trait. The heart alone, however, will not do us any good. In addition to the heart we must be able to listen to the small, quiet voice of God. When we read or listen to God’s wonderful words in scripture, we must let the Living Water of the words of God be absorbed into our heart and soul like the soil absorbs the rain.

After our souls or innermost being has absorbed the Living Water of the words then we must retain the meaning, purpose, truth, and power of the words within us. Good soil retains the moisture of the rain. Poor soil does not retain the moisture. After we have absorbed the Living Water we must persevere and do the hard work of life by standing against Satan and his attacks, we must resist temptation, and keep going even when the storms of life try to push down or destroy us.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

about never giving in

There are times when you want to give up and give in. There are pressures and forces of darkness and evil that twist you and turn you. The power of evil lurks behind you and whispers in your ear while at the same time this same dark power tries to directly crush your spirit with an in-your-face assault. In your dark and lonely moments, when you think you do not have the strength to wage this war, you must remember you have more going for you than you can ever know. At this minute, as you read these words, Christ Jesus is standing next to you pouring out His spirit of strength, encouragement, and sustaining power upon you.

At this very minute, as you read these words, Christ Jesus is calling upon you to hold fast and not give in. For Jesus knows what is just ahead of you. Jesus can see the golden rays of heaven that will someday wrap their splendor around you. Your crucial battle in these minutes with this present darkness can be won not by your human will but by your simply turning your human will in the direction of God's will. There are many costs to standing firm for Christ. However, there is no cost greater than the cost He paid for each of us upon His Cross. Because He did so much, He knows you can do this little bit of standing firm and never ever giving in.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

about coming back from failure

Part of the life of a righteous person must be devoted to persistence. The righteous person refuses to quit because he/she wants to glorify God in every way, in all things. For a righteous person, quitting is never an option. The unrighteous person may fall, but without a willingness to glorify God, the unrighteous person has only himself or herself and a dark and perhaps evil purpose to live for.

The persistence of the person with darkness in their heart causes the darkness to prevail and persistence evaporates quickly. This evaporation of persistence takes place because there is only a selfish desire to please oneself. With Christ in your heart, you live for Him and keep coming back against every adversity and every foe. Living with Christ in your heart gives you a reason to live and goals to achieve no matter what obstacles stand in your way. You keep coming back again and again to glorify God.

Friday, June 10, 2011

about being the light

It only takes a tiny light to illuminate the darkness. In scientific terms, darkness is nothing, light is something. Darkness is the absence of energy. Light is the presence of energy. In your life, no matter who you are or where you are, you carry the energy or spirit of Christ to all those around you. That spirit is passed on from person to person, illuminating the darkness of their lives. If we could track it, your transmission of Christ’ spiritual light could be traced as traveling all over the world. When we face reality, each of us is critically important to God. We are important because we are His way of getting His love into the world.

God’s love is best delivered by you, in all the ways you can think up, in all the ways you can create, in all the ways He leads you. You carry the torch of the Love that sustains all that is. Too many of us do not want to believe we could ever be this important, but we are. If those of us who love the Lord deeply were to disappear from the earth, what would be the effect? You know the answer. If those of us who deeply love the Lord were to disappear, what would be the effect upon our friends, co-workers, contacts, and family members who remain? You know the answer. You are indeed "the light of the world." Let it shine.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

about our being called to be free

As difficult as it is to do (sometimes), we are to express our love for Christ…in all ways and in all things. As temptation places you in shackles and temptation tortures you because of your love and devotion to Christ, you can, even in chains, assert and claim freedom from the bondage of sin. We are free in Christ, no matter what our earthly circumstances might be. In our freedom in Christ, God pleads with us to serve and love others rather than ourselves. In freedom that comes from Christ, we do not suffer from the dark shadows that lurk over the heart like those who do not love Him. In this freedom in Christ, we can and must share His light and love with others who are in the darkness. Because we have pledged our lives to Christ, we are free from the lies and deceit that infect the mind and soul of those who have not surrendered their life to Him.

In His love, God asks us to shine His light into the hearts of those persons caught up in the lies and deceit that imprison hearts and souls in denial. As persons who strive to be holy and devout, we are free of the chains of fear and anxiety about the future after we die…for we can see the mansion Christ has prepared for us. We are called to share the love of Christ with the world so the world will not be held in the bondage of fear. With a surrendered heart in Christ, we are free of the need for worldly things and attachments. In Christ, we find freedom from the chains of earthly things. He supplies us with all we need, because He knows our every need before we ask.