when you have no enthusiasm
Life is, for most of us, a series of peaks and valleys. We have times of enthusiasm and sometimes we fall into the pits of depression. When we have times of great enthusiasm we stand on the mountaintop and often feel as if we are God. When we feel depressed we often think God has abandoned us. In both instances, we are wrong. When we are on the mountaintop and we think we have the power, we are wrong because it is God who gave us the mountain and it is God who enables us to reach the top. When we are in the valley, God has not abandoned us, we have abandoned Him. In both cases, we must remember our enthusiasm for life and for life's opportunities.
We must remember to be thankful in times of plenty and in times of poverty. Our enthusiasm for life must not be tied to what we have or do not have. Our enthusiasm must be tied to God. God is with us in our times of need and in our times of wealth and plenty. It is God who brings us the blessings of life and it makes no difference whether the blessings are resting in our hands or not yet received. Our enthusiasm for life must remain rooted in the source of all blessings. Our enthusiasm for life must remain rooted in Christ who hung from His Cross where He gave his life for each of us. Psalm 13:3 Look on me and answer, O LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death (NIV)