Thursday, December 31, 2015

about future glory

Glory, power, victory, grace, love, abundance, and peace...these are words which describe our future. "Glory" is the best word in this group but even the word "glory" can not describe the whole future for us. We often lose sight of our real future. When we think of the future, we think about tomorrow, next week, or next year. As the apostle Paul reminds us in this verse, present pain and suffering cannot compare to our future glory. With our eyes on this future glory, we gain a new vision of our present life. The worst circumstance for any person is to suffer and not have a vision and hope for the future. When we have a vision and a hope for the future, no darkness can overtake us, and no suffering can keep us down. Each of us has a glorious future in Christ Jesus.

about taking action

The result of bringing Christ's love into the world can be fearful, for the world does not know Christ. The world still rejects Him and the world often rejects those of you who bring His love and message. Your actions still speak louder than words. Your actions of healing, reassurance, love, humility, and contrition help break through barriers. Your acts of kindness and giving break down barriers that surround a person caught up in the darkness. The result of showing the healing grace of Christ cannot be measured by any human standard. Take action against hatred, bigotry, insolence, and the haughtiness of evil by showing love, mercy, and kindness. When you do these things there a thunderous ovation by the angels.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

about how love never fails

Love never fails because love always does the right and godly thing. Love always does the will of God in every circumstance. Even when failure appears to come in the outward world, in the inward world, love is succeeding with abundant joy. Love never fails because God is love and God is always right. Love does not know what failure is because all things in the universe, whether tiny or enormous, rest in the palm of the Lord's hand. When love works, Love makes all things align in His hand and align according to His will. Love never fails for love is pure and divine. In all things pure and divine, there is always success in the eyes of God and success within what God wills for each of us and for His universe.

about reconciliation

Is your world a jumbled mess? Do things seem to have spun out of control with madness appearing at every turn? Yes, things can be a mess. Things can really seem to have spun out of control. Certainly, some days, weeks, and months are worse than others. If we could see all things, in all the dimensions of reality, we would see a lot of chaos. Not only is there chaos in the world among nations, chaos in the weather, and chaos in the workings of ordinary men and women, but there is also chaos churning in the spiritual realms of darkness and evil.

In chaos there can appear to be little hope. However, in the chaos of darkness can shine the light of God. In the chaos of darkness can come forth the hope that someday soon Christ will come back, wrap His arms around each of us, and bring an end to our days of turmoil and chaos in which we all live. Someday, your days of turmoil will end, for in Christ, you will find magnificent peace and love where only His light prevails.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Especially during this Christmas season

Especially during this Christmas season, your love for Christ can grow.
At this time of year, you can sense His love in more profound ways.
As you see the many decorations during this season, think about Christ's birth.
Touch Christ's mind and heart this season so you will more fully know the power of His love.
Touch Christ's mind and heart this Christmas season so you more fully know the power of His forgiveness.
In His love, Christ will help you understand the full dimension of His birth.
In His love, Christ will help you understand how much He accepts you and loves you.
In His love, Christ will help you understand what it means to be born again.
Christ will show you how you are a new person in Him in any season of the year.
Christ will show you how you have the gifts of a new heart, a new soul, even a new life as you surrender all you are to Him any season of the year.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Cultivate your life in Him — and He will produce His fruit through you!

Hosea 10:12 Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.

At any time, how receptive your heart is will determine your response to God’s word. If your heart has been trampled, and harden by bitterness and unforgiveness, then receiving God’s message for you will become more difficult. If your heart is like shallow soil on top of a rock, then your mind comprehends God’s truths, yet these truths do not penetrate your heart to make a real difference in your actions. Or if you are concerned about the riches of this life, then your focus is on the here and now, and these pursuits prevent God’s Word from taking hold and producing quality fruit. But a heart that is on good soil, receives the Word, applies the Word, and in due time bring forth abundant fruit! This is God’s desire for you — to have a heart cultivated on good soil!

How do you cultivate a heart on good soil? Repent of any bitterness, unforgiveness, anger, or any other sin that is hardening your heart! Seek the power of God to search your heart thoroughly and completely to root out all the weeds that hinder cultivating good soil. Cultivating good soil is a daily task — weeds spring up out of nowhere to hinder our growth. But , you are not ignorant of Satan’s devices (2 Cor. 2:11). So break up your fallow ground, sow yourself in His righteousness, and soon you will bring forth abundant fruit fit for the kingdom!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

On Christmas you may gather

On Christmas you may gather with others to celebrate the time of Christ's birth.
The Lord will help you remember Christ's birth in spite of an atmosphere of tension and talk of war in the world. Christ's birth was accompanied by efforts of the powers of darkness and evil to destroy Christ as an infant.

Mary and Joseph had to flee for their lives to protect Christ. In these days of your current time, when there is war and rumors of war, the Lord will help you understand your ultimate protection is not be found upon the earth. Your ultimate protection for all time and for all of eternity rests solely in Christ. Your ultimate protection exists in His heavenly home. You must stay strong in all things. Always call upon Christ to help you when you cannot help yourself.

Praise His Name. Amen.

Friday, December 25, 2015

A Prayer For Christmas Love

On Christmas day, O Lord, on this day when your great light came into the world, we celebrate. We give you our life and give others our gifts as a sign of our love for you. As you brought your Light for the world to little Bethlehem, let each of us show your great Light of love, kindness, caring, and compassion to those around us. When we find frustrations in our hustle and bustle in this Christmas season, remind us that what we do this Christmas is not just because of you.

Remind us, O Lord, that what we do is for you and for all of your children on the earth. Let love be spread all around the world through us because of your Son coming into the world. By your holy name, let love touch every heart on earth, and let there be peace and good will amongst all nations. All these things I pray in the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

On Christmas you may gather with others to celebrate the time of Christ's birth.
The Lord will help you remember Christ's birth in spite of an atmosphere of tension and talk of war in the world.
Christ's birth was accompanied by efforts of the powers of darkness and evil to destroy Christ as an infant.
Mary and Joseph had to flee for their lives to protect Christ.
In these days of your current time, when there is war and rumors of war, the Lord will help you understand your ultimate protection is not be found upon the earth.
Your ultimate protection for all time and for all of eternity rests solely in Christ.
Your ultimate protection exists in His heavenly home.
You must stay strong in all things.
Always call upon Christ to help you when you cannot help yourself.
Praise His Name. Amen.

A Prayer About Sharing Love At Christmas

As we give our gifts this year, Precious Lord, give us a heart to share the love you pour over us. In the packages we wrap, in the cards we send, in the greetings we give, go with each action we take and be a part of all we give this year. When we gather with others, bring us to your manger scene of so long ago.

Remind us in our hearts about the silence of that night. When we look up at the stars, remind us of how the angels sang upon your birth. In all we do this year, give us your holy presence. Amidst the wrapping paper and decorations, show us how all the giving is a remembrance of you. Where there are small children, give us an over abundance of your love so we may share your joy.

Where there are the elderly, give us an over abundance of your love so we may help them keep alive the warmth of Christmases past, while helping the elderly be a part of the warmth of this Christmas in the present. Where there are teens, give us an upbeat and current mind to communicate to them how much they are loved by you and by us. Where there are moms and dads with children, inspire in them a greater love for you and for all that you mean to their children.

All these things I pray in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Jesus Was Born To Help You Build In Faith

Know above all things He loves you. Be with Him and He will give you a great mission in your life. Believe and trust in Him and He will push you onward to build when you have no strength of your own. When the evil one comes and launches an attack against you, align with His will. Then He will give you power so you can build in faith as you remain faithful to Him. Although you cannot see Him, if you believe and trust in Him, you will live each day as if you can see Him. Although you cannot hear Him with your earthly ears, you can sense His presence, even when the evil one tries to numb you with pain and suffering.

Let your life be a life of faith connected to Him by unseen chords.
Let your life be a life of trust enchained to Him by the strings of His love.
Let the waves of His calling you each minute resound in your heart.
Let the vibrations of His power resonate through all of your thinking, feeling, and behavior.

When the world tries to overwhelm you, He will put His holy fear into you so you will remain faithful. When you seek to go your own way rather than His way, He will shake your ego so you will rely upon Him and upon His guidance. When times of poverty come, He will show you the real wealth of your life is not in human design or human collection. He will show you the real wealth of your life is in His love. Let all the things you build in life be a reflection of how much He loves you. Let your life be a reflection of how much He loves others. As you kneel beside Him in His manger, know above all things He loves you.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

about the meaning of life.

Job 27:8 For what hope has the godless when he is cut off, when God takes away his life? (NIV) Psalm 33:18 But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, 19 to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. (NIV)

The meaning of life is like the wind. There are times when life is full of meaning and purpose. There are other times when life has no meaning and purpose at all. We often try to find what life means especially when we are under stress. Without God at the center of life, life has only a temporary meaning. With God, life has a meaning that transcends every moment which gives us vision and hope for tomorrow. With God, our hearts are full of hope and promise.

It is the Lord's hope and promise that fuels our spirits. With God at the center of our life, we have a reason and purpose to live every moment to its fullest. When we have Christ as our Savior, our purpose in life is to fully serve Him and worship Him. Our purpose is to be His child regardless of the personal cost. When we choose to let our life be dominated by His meaning and His purpose then our life has meaning and purpose.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

about showing God's love

Since God is invisible and you are visible, you can show others who He is. We can write about showing God's love. We can talk about showing God's love. However, there is nothing like a live demonstration of what we are really talking about to fully convince someone God loves him or her. In real life circumstances, most people are convinced more by a live demonstration than they are by a sermon, a written discussion, or a material gift.

To show God's love, let His love flow through your life. When you have His love in your heart, never keep His love to yourself. His love is given to you to be shared with others. His love blossoms fully in your life only when you give His love away. Look into the eyes of people you meet. Look into the depths of their soul. You will see them doubled over in spiritual want and need. Help them fill that need by showing them God's love in ways they understand and accept. Giving His love away is not necessarily about preaching or telling. Giving His love away is about showing.

Sunday, December 06, 2015

about always affirming

As a race of beings, humankind loves to marvel at his great achievements, his great mind, his great works, and his great power. We brandish our weapons of mass destruction at those we call our enemies because those we call our enemies brandished their weapons of mass destruction at us. We give ourselves praise for building great structures only to see them fall in minutes during an earthquake. We marvel at our great cities only to fear living in them for the crime and violence that infests them. We are puffed up and arrogant about our art and culture when our art and culture are full of pornography. We are puffed up and arrogant about our power when we use our power for many wrong things.

What we too often miss in our puffed up hearts and minds is that what we boast about is nothing before God. Before God, the Great Wall of China is not even a speck. Before God, the great Pyramids of Egypt are not even a wisp of thought. When we boast, let us only boast about how much God loves us and about how much Christ has given to see us in Heaven some day. Someday, our world of substance will all be gone in an instant, and what remains will be only the enduring love of our Master Builder, He who provided the materials for all these things we think we own.